Holiday park in Normandy, located not far from the coast.
4/4Take a carefree holidayFrance | Everyone can enjoy a holiday here to the fullest. Parents can relax while the little ones will find dozens of entertainment options.
Per week from USD 300
show 5,452 offers -
1/4Vacation with your dog
France | With these holiday houses it is explicitely allowed to bring pets so that your faithful four legged friend can also enjoy a relaxing and eventful holiday.
Per week from USD 350
show 10,142 offers -
2/4The scent of lavender
Provence | The fields of the Provence are lit up with deep shades of violet and blue between mid-June and mid-August. A fresh scent of lavender is then laid over the landscape. Best time to travel, don’t you think?
Per week from USD 384
show 4,531 offers -
This restored medieval church in Périgord is a holiday home for up to three people.
3/4Surprisingly differentFrance | Have you ever lived in a chapel? In a circus caravan? Or what about a cave for your next France vacation? You can experience such extraordinary vacations with us?
Per week from USD 394
show 36 offers -
Holiday park in Normandy, located not far from the coast.
4/4Take a carefree holidayFrance | Everyone can enjoy a holiday here to the fullest. Parents can relax while the little ones will find dozens of entertainment options.
Per week from USD 300
show 5,452 offers -
1/4Vacation with your dog
France | With these holiday houses it is explicitely allowed to bring pets so that your faithful four legged friend can also enjoy a relaxing and eventful holiday.
Per week from USD 350
show 10,142 offers
France | Vacation with your dog
10,142 offers -
Provence | The scent of lavender
4,531 offers -
France | Surprisingly different
36 offers -
France | Holiday in a holiday park
5,452 offers
This is what holiday rental customers wrote about Valmont
- atraveo customer Norbert und Elvira wrote
on 23/10/2019 in German, travel period: September 2019“In Valmont konnten wir alles Notwendige einkaufen, es gab einen Bäcker mit leckeren Törtchen und Eclairs. Direkt neben dem Bäcker gab es einen Gemüseladen der unteranderem auch regionalen Produkte wie Käse, Honig, Cidre usw. verkaufte. Etwas außerhalb gab es auch einen kleinen gut sortierten Supermarkt. Unseren frischen Fisch kauften wir in Fecamp dort gab es mehrere tolle Fischgeschäfte.
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Die Umgebung von Fecamp ist sehr ländlich. Wir waren sehr oft mit unserem Fahrrad unterwegs auf gut ausgebauten Fahrradwegen oder sehr ruhigen Nebenstraßen.
Besonders erwähnenswert, war die Freundlichkeit der Leute die uns in diesem Urlaub begegnet sind.”
This review has been given for property no. 1159589 -
- atraveo customer George wrote
on 28/07/2019 in Dutch, travel period: June 2019“Valmont ligt op 1,5 km afstand en is zeer gemakkelijk te bereiken via een bospad langs de beek of met de auto (5 min). Bakker (lekker brood en gebak) en kleine Carrefour. Daarnaast is Restaurant de l'Agriculture best aan te raden. Abdij en kerk zijn de moeite waard. Fietspad ligt er geweldig bij, rond 60 km van de kust het binnenland in. Rust en natuur zijn de kernwoorden.”
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This review has been given for property no. 1159589 -
- An atraveo-customer wrote
on 06/05/2019 in Dutch, travel period: April 2019“Het verblijf was in Gerponville, nabij Valmont. In Gerponville is er een bakker en verder niks. Voor ons geen probleem. In Valmot is er een (kleine) Carfour, voor alle dagelijkse boodschappen en een SUPEr goede bakker.”
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This review has been given for property no. 1401069