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Holiday houses in Wladyslawowo & holiday apartments in Wladyslawowo

  • Gdańsk | Between the past and present
    13 offers

  • Poland | ​Vacation with your dog
    1,632 offers

  • Poland | Work up a sweat
    200 offers

  • Polish Baltic Sea | One long beach
    234 offers

  • Poland | Holiday on a farm
    47 offers

  • Poland | Good and cheap
    35 offers

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Location reviews

Total rating of Wladyslawowo

3.8 out of 5 (4 Customer reviews)
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This is what holiday rental customers wrote about Wladyslawowo 

  • 4.0 out of 5
    An atraveo-customer has submitted the following rating
    on 09/08/2016, travel period: July 2016

    less recommended

    This review has been given for property no. 1327136

  • 3.0 out of 5
    atraveo customer ojo wrote
    on 01/08/2015 in French, travel period: July 2015

    “La ville est très oriente vers le tourisme et le consumérisme, les épiceries trop peu fournies en fruits, légumes et viandes, une voiture est nécessaire pour le ravitaillement. Par contre les animations sont nombreuses et vont des multiples emplacements forains à la visite du phare en passant par diverses activités pour les noctambules.”

    This review has been given for property no. 771343

  • 4.0 out of 5
    An atraveo-customer has submitted the following rating
    on 16/07/2015, travel period: June 2015

    less recommended

    This review has been given for property no. 771343

  • 4.0 out of 5
    An atraveo-customer wrote
    on 05/08/2012 in German, travel period: July 2012

    “Wladislawowo ist wohl eine der Haupturlaubsregionen der Polen, daher war es recht voll im Sommer. Zu Fuß zum Sandstrand in 1/2 Stunde, auf dem Weg gibt es diverse Geschäfte, Souvenirläden, Restaurants, Kirche,...
    Wir haben meist im "Bar pod papugami" gegessen (es gab dort keine Papageien), es war für die ganze Familie gut, günstig und unkompliziert.”

    This review has been given for property no. 1327613