Thatched-roof house for up to four people in Schleswig-Holstein.
4/4Holiday under a thatched roofNorth Sea | This is how you spend a proper holiday home vacation at the coast; nothing is more stylish and cosier than a holiday home with a thatched roof.
Per week from USD 338
show 970 offers -
Holiday apartment for max. 4 persons on the North Frisian Islands
1/4Vacation on a farmGermany | Feed animals and run riot in the hay, grill bread on a stick and discover the agriculture. Vacation on a farm can be an eventful and lively experience for the entire family.
Per week from USD 261
show 501 offers -
This unusual treehouse in the style of a railway carriage is in Schleswig-Holstein.
2/4Normal is boringGermany | It doesn’t always have to be the traditional holiday home, does it? How about a lighthouse, a railway waggon or a turf hut as accommodation for the next holidayfor a change?
Per week from USD 282
show 71 offers -
3/4Vacation with your dog
Germany | With these holiday houses it is explicitely allowed to bring pets so that your faithful four legged friend can also enjoy a relaxing and eventful holiday.
Per week from USD 318
show 20,544 offers -
Thatched-roof house for up to four people in Schleswig-Holstein.
4/4Holiday under a thatched roofNorth Sea | This is how you spend a proper holiday home vacation at the coast; nothing is more stylish and cosier than a holiday home with a thatched roof.
Per week from USD 338
show 970 offers -
Holiday apartment for max. 4 persons on the North Frisian Islands
1/4Vacation on a farmGermany | Feed animals and run riot in the hay, grill bread on a stick and discover the agriculture. Vacation on a farm can be an eventful and lively experience for the entire family.
Per week from USD 261
show 501 offers
Germany | Vacation on a farm
501 offers -
Germany | Normal equals boring
71 offers -
Germany | Vacation with your dog
20,544 offers -
North Germany | Holiday under a thatched roof
970 offers
This is what holiday rental customers wrote about Stolberg
- An atraveo-customer wrote
on 16/07/2013 in German, travel period: July 2013“Stolberg ist einer der schönsten Orte im Harz und bietet ein riesiges Wandergebiet an. Leider sind einige Wege nicht so gut ausgeschildert und stimmen mit den Symbolen der Wanderkarte nicht überein. Auch fehlten an den Wegen einige Schilder an Weggabelungen im Wald. Der kleine Ort bietet sehr viel an Gastronomie, hat ein wunderschönes Schwimmbad, bietet Schloß- und Stadtführungen günstig an, auch die Museumseintritte sind niedrig. in der unmittelbaren Umgebung gibt es einige Sehenswürdigkeiten, die man unbedingt ansehen sollte (Josephskreuz, Höhle Heimkehle...) Die Stadt selber verzaubert einen durch die renovierten Fachwerkhäuser. Auch das Schloß Stolberg über der Stadt wurde(zum Teil) restauriert und eine Besichtigung lohnt sich!!”
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This review has been given for property no. 324 - An atraveo-customer wrote
on 02/06/2013 in German, travel period: May 2013“ideal für Spaziergänge mit Hund, ruhige gemütliche Abende. Lokale bieten gute und relativ günstige traditionelle Küche - für Vegetarier wird´s aber schwierig. Tolle Ausflugsmöglichkeiten, überraschend gutes Kulturangebot.”
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This review has been given for property no. 224796