Holiday park in Normandy, located not far from the coast.
5/5Take a carefree holidayFrance | Everyone can enjoy a holiday here to the fullest. Parents can relax while the little ones will find dozens of entertainment options.
Per week from USD 300
show 5,452 offers -
Stone house for up to eight people, located in rural surroundings.
1/5Houses like menhirsBrittany | Breton stone houses are typical for this area where long ago the Celts settled. Spend your vacation in one of these original holiday houses in the “country in front of the sea”.
Per week from USD 462
show 47 offers -
2/5Vacation with your dog
France | With these holiday houses it is explicitely allowed to bring pets so that your faithful four legged friend can also enjoy a relaxing and eventful holiday.
Per week from USD 350
show 10,142 offers -
3/5The scent of lavender
Provence | The fields of the Provence are lit up with deep shades of violet and blue between mid-June and mid-August. A fresh scent of lavender is then laid over the landscape. Best time to travel, don’t you think?
Per week from USD 384
show 4,531 offers -
This restored medieval church in Périgord is a holiday home for up to three people.
4/5Surprisingly differentFrance | Have you ever lived in a chapel? In a circus caravan? Or what about a cave for your next France vacation? You can experience such extraordinary vacations with us?
Per week from USD 394
show 36 offers -
Holiday park in Normandy, located not far from the coast.
5/5Take a carefree holidayFrance | Everyone can enjoy a holiday here to the fullest. Parents can relax while the little ones will find dozens of entertainment options.
Per week from USD 300
show 5,452 offers -
Stone house for up to eight people, located in rural surroundings.
1/5Houses like menhirsBrittany | Breton stone houses are typical for this area where long ago the Celts settled. Spend your vacation in one of these original holiday houses in the “country in front of the sea”.
Per week from USD 462
show 47 offers
France | Vacation with your dog
10,142 offers -
Provence | The scent of lavender
4,531 offers -
France | Surprisingly different
36 offers -
France | Holiday in a holiday park
5,452 offers -
Brittany | Houses like menhirs
47 offers -
France | Vacation with your dog
10,142 offers -
Provence | The scent of lavender
4,531 offers -
France | Surprisingly different
36 offers -
France | Holiday in a holiday park
5,452 offers -
Brittany | Houses like menhirs
47 offers -
France | Vacation with your dog
10,142 offers -
Provence | The scent of lavender
4,531 offers -
France | Surprisingly different
36 offers
Location reviews
Total rating of Saint-Briac-sur-Mer
This is what holiday rental customers wrote about Saint-Briac-sur-Mer
- An atraveo-customer wrote
on 26/08/2018 in German“sehr schöner und sauberer Ort, viele Blumenrabatten, Supermarkt und andere Geschäfte vorhanden, mehrere gute Restaurants, 2 Markttage pro Woche im Sommer, ganz unterschiedliche Strände, teilweise bei Hoch- und auch bei Niedrigwasser gut zum Schwimmen geeignet. Auch Klettern über die Steine an der Felsenküste möglich.”
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This review has been given for property no. 2164717 -
- An atraveo-customer wrote
on 06/12/2015 in German, travel period: October 2015“Schöner kleiner Ort mit schönen Stränden und tollem Gezeitenspiel, einige touristische Sehenswürdigkeiten und interessanten Hinterland. Von hier aus Erkundungs- und Besichtigungsfahrten zum Kap Frehel, Fort la Latte, Dinard (wichtiger Ort zum Einkaufen) Dinan, Dol de Bretagne, Mont st. Michel usw. und abends an den Strand die heranbrausenden Brecher anschauen.”
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This review has been given for property no. 335161 - An atraveo-customer wrote
on 05/11/2014 in German, travel period: October 2014“St. Lunaire / St. Briac an der Kanalküste der Nordbretagne hat für die Bretagne ein relativ sicheres Klima. Das Meer = Atlantikküste, Gezeiten, die gesamte Ausstrahlung der Orte lässt einen schnell zum Liebhaber werden.
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Ferienanlage kinderfreundlich, mit kleinem Pool + Fitnessraum.
Haustier (Hund) erlaubt, kann in Frühjahr oder Herbst auch mit an den Strand genommen werden.
Einkaufsmöglichkeiten sehr begrenzt, dazu muss man ca. 8 km zu den entsprechenden Supermärkten fahren.
Ausflugsziele im Umkreis bis 1 Std. Fahrzeit reichlich vorhanden (Korsarenstadt St.Malo, Dinan,
malerische alte Ortschaften, Burgen, Schlösser etc. etc.)
Reiseführer sollte man sich vorher besorgen.
Lokale besuchen wir generell nicht, da Selbstversorger.
Das herausragende an der Bretagne ist das Meer und nochmals das Meer, sowie die alten aus Granit gebauten Häuser.
Wir verbringen seit exakt 20 Jahren meist 1 x im Jahr einen Urlaub dort.”
This review has been given for property no. 335158