This farmhouse in Vorarlberg offers ample space for up to nine holidaymakers.
3/3Travel together on holidayAustria | Would you like to travel with the entire family and spend an undisturbed time in an own holiday house? These holiday houses in Austria can accommodate up to 10 people!
Per week from USD 526
show 1,388 offers -
Idyllically-located holiday park in Styria.
1/3Fun for the entire familyAustria | A vacation in a holiday park is particularly ideal for families. As parents you can lean back and relax whilst your kids are taken care of your hands and are fully entertained.
Per week from USD 374
show 748 offers -
2/3Vacation with your dog
Austria | With these holiday houses it is explicitely allowed to bring pets so that your faithful four legged friend can also enjoy a relaxing and eventful holiday.
Per week from USD 372
show 4,643 offers -
This farmhouse in Vorarlberg offers ample space for up to nine holidaymakers.
3/3Travel together on holidayAustria | Would you like to travel with the entire family and spend an undisturbed time in an own holiday house? These holiday houses in Austria can accommodate up to 10 people!
Per week from USD 526
show 1,388 offers -
Idyllically-located holiday park in Styria.
1/3Fun for the entire familyAustria | A vacation in a holiday park is particularly ideal for families. As parents you can lean back and relax whilst your kids are taken care of your hands and are fully entertained.
Per week from USD 374
show 748 offers
Austria | Vacation in a holiday park
748 offers -
Austria | Vacation with your dog
4,643 offers -
Austria | Large holiday houses
1,388 offers
This is what holiday rental customers wrote about Oberwang
- An atraveo-customer wrote
on 01/10/2015 in German, travel period: September 2015“Die Ferienwohnung liegt in einem Ortsteil von Oberwang in Oberaschau. Oberaschau ist über die Autobahn sehr gut zu erreichen. Oberwang ist für uns kein direkter Ferienort, dafür ist die Lage zu den Seen (Attersee, Mondsee, Irrsee, Wolfgangsee, etc.) recht gut.”
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This review has been given for property no. 336292 -
- An atraveo-customer wrote
on 06/07/2013 in German, travel period: June 2013“Im Ort selbst gibt es nicht viel, aber man verhungert auch nicht. Wer aber einen Wocheneinkauf machen möchte, der ist mit einem Auto gut beraten. Salzburg ist über die Autobahn schnell erreicht, und es gibt in der Umgebung besonders bei gutem Wetter unglaublich viel zu Unternehmen und zu sehen. Das Preis-Leistungsverhältnis ist mehr als gut und wir würden noch mal hin fahren.”
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This review has been given for property no. 275032 - An atraveo-customer wrote
on 13/09/2012 in German, travel period: September 2012“Wer die Natur mag, ist hier genau richtig. Einkaufsmöglichkeiten sind ausreichend in der näheren Umgebung vorhanden. Viele gute Restaurants in unmittelbarer Nähe.”
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This review has been given for property no. 336292 - An atraveo-customer wrote
on 19/07/2012, travel period: July 2012“Mondsee and Unterrach (on Attersee) were both very nice. Mondsee in particular has good facilities. The Badplatz at the bottom of the hill is accessible 24 hours and provides swimming.”
This review has been given for property no. 216083