Country estate for 15 people in a beautiful location in the Val d’Orcia.
4/4Between cypresses and cycadsTuscany | Whether a restored farm house or agriturismo – during a country vacation in Tuscany you can experience the nature and regional cuisine.
Per week from USD 394
show 491 offers -
Holiday home for max. 6 persons on Sicily
1/4Holiday with your own poolItaly | Give your Italian holiday the perfect touch in a holiday home with its own pool: Splash about with the whole family in the water or let yourself completely relax.
Per week from USD 537
show 4,756 offers -
Studio for max. 4 persons on the Italian Adriatic Coast
2/4Fun for the entire familyItalian Adriatic | A vacation in a holiday park is particularly ideal for families. As parents you can lean back and relax whilst your kids are taken care of your hands and are fully entertained.
Per week from USD 499
show 469 offers -
3/4Vacation with your dog
Italy | With these holiday houses it is explicitely allowed to bring pets so that your faithful four legged friend can also enjoy a relaxing and eventful holiday.
Per week from USD 542
show 16,309 offers -
Country estate for 15 people in a beautiful location in the Val d’Orcia.
4/4Between cypresses and cycadsTuscany | Whether a restored farm house or agriturismo – during a country vacation in Tuscany you can experience the nature and regional cuisine.
Per week from USD 394
show 491 offers -
Holiday home for max. 6 persons on Sicily
1/4Holiday with your own poolItaly | Give your Italian holiday the perfect touch in a holiday home with its own pool: Splash about with the whole family in the water or let yourself completely relax.
Per week from USD 537
show 4,756 offers
Italy | Holiday with your own pool
4,756 offers -
Italian Adriatic | Vacation in a holiday park
469 offers -
Italy | Vacation with your dog
16,309 offers -
Tuscany | Vacation on a country estate
491 offers
Location reviews
Total rating of Madonna del Sasso
This is what holiday rental customers wrote about Madonna del Sasso
- An atraveo-customer wrote
on 03/06/2017 in German, travel period: May 2017“Kleines Dorf im alten, italienischem Stil gehalten, enge Straßen für Panda u. Clio gerade ausreichend, Sportplatz vorhanden, kleiner Dorfladen und ein Hotel Restaurant vorhanden. Für Jogger, Wanderer und Fahrradfahrer top.”
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This review has been given for property no. 744634 -
- An atraveo-customer wrote
on 09/09/2014 in German, travel period: August 2014“Man ist sehr weit weg vom "Schuss".
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Um Einkaufen zu gehen, fährt man erst mal 5 km bis 6 km (ca. 500m Höhenunterschied), um in der nächsten kleineren Stadt zu sein.
Da wir schon ein paar mal am Ortasee waren, allerdings auf der anderen Seite des Sees, kannten wir uns aus und wussten, wo wir hinzufahren hatten, um einzukaufen.
Um den gesamten Ortasee herum gibt es fast nur private Strandabschnitte, so dass wir keine Möglichkeit hatten, mit Hund baden zu gehen, denn an den öffentlichen Stellen (wir haben nur 2 gesehen, dürfen Hunde nicht mit. Das ist wirklich sehr schade!”
This review has been given for property no. 775054 - An atraveo-customer wrote
on 26/08/2014 in Dutch, travel period: August 2014“Bakker en/of winkel bij de woning is er niet. Wel voldoende inkoopmogelijkheden in Pella en de omringende dorpjes.
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Vervelen doet men zich niet; er is zekerl voor elk wat wils : wandelen, fietsen, mountainbiken, uitstapjes naar het het Ortameer, het Lago Magiore of de omringende dalen en dorpen.
Met een taxiboot naar Orta met zijn gezellige oude straatjes, restaurantjes en winkeltjes is zeker de moeite waard. Niet te vergeten het eilandje midden in het meer.
Stresa is zeer mooi, met mogelijkheden tot boottochten of met de kabelbaan omhoog.
In Pella moet je zeker langsgaan in de gelateria dichtbij de overzetboot; gewoon overheerlijke ijsjes.
Vanaf het vakantiehuis ben je na een kwartiertje wandelen in Madonna del Sasso met zijn pittoresk kerkje van waaruit je een mooi zicht hebt over het Orta meer en de omgeving.”
This review has been given for property no. 775054
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