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Holiday houses in Mörbylånga & holiday apartments in Mörbylånga

  • Sweden | Sauna houses with lake view
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  • Sweden | An entire lake for us
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  • Sweden | Vacation with your dog​
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Location reviews

Total rating of Mörbylånga

3.6 out of 5 (13 Customer reviews)
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This is what holiday rental customers wrote about Mörbylånga 

  • 2.0 out of 5
    An atraveo-customer wrote
    on 22/08/2017 in German, travel period: August 2017

    “Sehr weite Wege, viel schlimmer als im Internet bei Buchung dargestellt. Ort einsam, Geschäfte akzeptabel.”

    This review has been given for property no. 964559

  • 3.0 out of 5
    An atraveo-customer wrote
    on 11/06/2017 in German, travel period: June 2017

    “For those seeking less touristic places and little expectations on offered activities it is a nice location. Supermarkets and restaurants are available. Little traffic, low noise, lots of nature make it a peaceful place.”

    This review has been given for property no. 964559

  • 5.0 out of 5
    atraveo customer B. Schneider wrote
    on 05/06/2017 in German, travel period: May 2017

    “Lage ist Top, wenn man absolute Ruhe bzw. Relaxen möchte. Wer die Natur liebt, muss unbedingt nach Öland kommen ! Viele Vögel, Rehe, Hasen und sonstige Tiere vorhanden.”

    This review has been given for property no. 800154

  • 3.0 out of 5
    An atraveo-customer wrote
    on 11/09/2016 in German, travel period: August 2016

    “Am Ort gibt es 2 Supermärkte, die alles Notwendige bieten. Ab Mitte August ist in Schweden definitiv Nachsaison. Auf Öland haben einige Sehenswürdigkeiten nur noch eingeschränkt geöffnet. (z.B. Burg Eketorp)”

    This review has been given for property no. 669230

  • 4.0 out of 5
    An atraveo-customer has submitted the following rating
    on 22/08/2016, travel period: July 2016

    less recommended

    This review has been given for property no. 115758

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