3/3Vacation with your dog
Sweden | With these holiday houses it is explicitely allowed to bring pets so that your faithful four legged friend can also enjoy a relaxing and eventful holiday.
Per week from USD 182
show 1,679 offers -
Holiday house for 4 people directly at a lake and wood-fired sauna house.
1/3Here you will get warmSweden | You can only really enjoy an authentic vacation in Scandinavia with a sauna. These holiday houses all have an own sweating bath that occasionally is in a nice scenic spot.
Per week from USD 297
show 232 offers -
Holiday home for 4 people on a small, secluded island off the Swedish skerry coast.
2/3An entire lake for usSweden | Of course the typical Sweden house is red and the embankment complements the idyll perfectly. Take the boat out for fishing and bathing or just drift.
Per week from USD 395
show 206 offers -
3/3Vacation with your dog
Sweden | With these holiday houses it is explicitely allowed to bring pets so that your faithful four legged friend can also enjoy a relaxing and eventful holiday.
Per week from USD 182
show 1,679 offers -
Holiday house for 4 people directly at a lake and wood-fired sauna house.
1/3Here you will get warmSweden | You can only really enjoy an authentic vacation in Scandinavia with a sauna. These holiday houses all have an own sweating bath that occasionally is in a nice scenic spot.
Per week from USD 297
show 232 offers
Sweden | Sauna houses with lake view
232 offers -
Sweden | An entire lake for us
206 offers -
Sweden | Vacation with your dog
1,679 offers
This is what holiday rental customers wrote about Ljungbyholm
- atraveo customer Nicol wrote
on 28/02/2016 in German, travel period: August 2015“Einkaufsmöglichkeit ca. 1,5 km für das Nötigste, sonst wie fast überall in dieser Region ein Supermarkt im Umkreis von 5 km. Anbindung an die Hauptstrasse sehr gut. Wer Trubel und Party erwartet ist hier nicht am richtigen Ort.”
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This review has been given for property no. 81854 - An atraveo-customer wrote
on 24/08/2015 in German, travel period: August 2015“Etwas außerhalb von Ljungbyholm sind Einkaufmöglichkeiten wie ein großer und gut ausgestatteter Supermarkt und eine Bäckerei leicht fußläufig zu erreichen. Ebenfalls ist man in ca. 15 Minuten in Kalmar.”
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This review has been given for property no. 136767 - An atraveo-customer wrote
on 01/09/2014 in German, travel period: August 2014“Sehr ruhig gelegen..so wie wir es uns vorgestellt haben....ziemlich zentral gelegen..ca. 30km bis Kalmar..total süsse Stadt mit viel Charme, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Spielplätzen,..Shoppingmöglichkeiten...was das Herz begehrt...Vimmerby ist ca. 120 km entfernt und ein Muss für alle Astrid Lindgren Fans...Öland...es ist einfach toll und alles nicht sehr weit...ach ja die Elche nicht zu vergessen...”
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This review has been given for property no. 81854 - A guest wrote
on 01/09/2014 in German“Einkaufen kann man sehr gut in umliegenden Orten..für Familien traumhaft...Kalmar bietet für jeden was das Herz begehrt...Spielplätze,Sehenswürdigkeiten, Shopping,bummeln, Fahrrad fahren, zum Strand,nach Öland,nach Vimmerby ,zu den Elchparks....Pilze sammeln. Es ist traumhaft.”
Show less Show more - An atraveo-customer wrote
on 24/08/2014 in German, travel period: August 2014“Kleines Dorf mit Einkaufsladen (ICA), der sogar Sonntags von 7-22 Uhr geöffnet ist. Kalmar ist ca. 15 km weg, dort sind mehr Möglichkeiten zum Essen, usw.”
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This review has been given for property no. 136767