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Holiday houses in Guimaec & holiday apartments in Guimaec

  • Brittany | Houses like menhirs
    47 offers

  • France | Vacation with your dog
    10,142 offers

  • Provence | The scent of lavender
    4,531 offers

  • France | Surprisingly different
    36 offers

  • France | Holiday in a holiday park
    5,452 offers

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Location reviews

Total rating of Guimaec

4.0 out of 5 (3 Customer reviews)
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This is what holiday rental customers wrote about Guimaec 

  • 3.0 out of 5
    An atraveo-customer wrote
    on 03/06/2019 in German


    This review has been given for property no. 1265579

  • 5.0 out of 5
    An atraveo-customer wrote
    on 13/09/2015 in German, travel period: August 2015

    “Schöne Strände zum Baden und Surfen in 1 km Entfernung. Das kleine idyllische Hafenstädtchen Loquirec und andere sympathische Kleinstädte mit guten Einkaufsmöglichkeiten sind mit dem Auto in 5 - 15 Minuten schnell zu erreichen. Für Tagesausflüge gibt es zahlreiche interessante Ziele.”

    This review has been given for property no. 754655

  • 4.0 out of 5
    An atraveo-customer wrote
    on 05/08/2012 in German, travel period: July 2012

    “Natürlicher, ländlicher Ort ohne Massentourismus. Alles vorhanden für Eigenversorgung, z.B. großer Supermarkt, Bäcker, Creperie und Restaurants. Viel zu sehen, schöne Strände. Auto empfehelenswert.”

    This review has been given for property no. 754655