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Holiday houses in Bormio & holiday apartments in Bormio

  • Lake Como | Views to dream of
    230 offers

  • Lake Como | Views to dream of
    230 offers

  • Lake Garda | Delightful views
    1,141 offers

  • Italy | Holiday with your own pool
    4,756 offers

  • Italian Adriatic | Vacation in a holiday park
    425 offers

  • Italy | Vacation with your dog
    13,452 offers

  • Tuscany | Vacation on a country estate
    491 offers

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Location reviews

Total rating of Bormio

4.3 out of 5 (10 Customer reviews)
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This is what holiday rental customers wrote about Bormio 

  • 4.0 out of 5
    An atraveo-customer wrote
    on 05/03/2017 in German, travel period: February 2017

    “Einkaufs- und Einkehrmöglichkeiten gibt es genügend. Skipisten sind super gut. Leider gibt es keine Winterwanderwege und auch keine Schlittelbahn.”

    This review has been given for property no. 1200524

  • 4.0 out of 5
    atraveo customer Alec wrote
    on 27/08/2016, travel period: August 2016

    “Sporting is supurb in Bormio, all kind of outdoor activities. Bormio is nice but small town.”

    This review has been given for property no. 697648

  • 5.0 out of 5
    An atraveo-customer wrote
    on 09/09/2014 in Dutch, travel period: August 2014

    “Perfecte ligging voor fietsers met vlakbij de Gavia en Stevio en iets verder de Mortirolo, heel mooie berglandschappen, leuk centrum.”

    This review has been given for property no. 697648

  • 5.0 out of 5
    An atraveo-customer wrote
    on 05/07/2014 in Dutch, travel period: June 2014

    “Bormio heeft ook tal van andere mogelijkheden buiten het wielertoerisme :)”

    This review has been given for property no. 697648

  • 5.0 out of 5
    An atraveo-customer has submitted the following rating
    on 24/02/2014, travel period: February 2014

    highly recommended

    This review has been given for property no. 432617