Wellness apartment for five people in Zermatt.
1/8Off to the mountains!Matterhorn Ski Paradise | The ski season 2016/2017 is truly in full swing. Those who book early can secure the best offers – for example in Matterhorn Ski paradise
Per week from USD 515
show 214 offers -
Chalet for 11 people in Suisse Romande.
2/8And everybody is coming alongSwitzerland | Get your loved ones together and head off to an extra large holiday house in Switzerland. Here at least ten of your friends and family members will fit in here
Per week from USD 720
show 566 offers -
Cosy chalet for 6 people in a holiday village in Graubünden.
3/8Close to the skiesSwitzerland | Here you get a bit closer to heaven: Gaze across the Swiss Alps and breathe in the fresh mountain air far away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
Per week from USD 636
show 295 offers -
Holiday apartment for 4 people at Walensee.
4/8Excellent viewsSwitzerland | Switzerland is not only known for its mighty mountains but also for its splendid lakes. From many of our holiday accommodations you have an unrestricted view towards the water.
Per week from USD 633
show 85 offers -
5/8Vacation with your dog
Switzerland | With these holiday houses it is explicitely allowed to bring pets so that your faithful four legged friend can also enjoy a relaxing and eventful holiday.
Per week from USD 633
show 2,747 offers -
Chalet for 8 people in Wallis
6/8A hot tub in Alpine scenerySwitzerland | Hot Tubs are heated outdoor pools. These holiday homes all have an own hot tub from where you have a view across the landscape whilst enjoying a bubble bath.
Per week from USD 940
show 11 offers -
7/8Bell-ringing down to the valley
Switzerland | In late summer the festively decorated cows are brought back from the summer pastures into the valley. Here you will find holiday homes in places where this ceremonial migration from the Alps takes place.
Per week from USD 400
show 237 offers -
Sauna of a holiday home for 16 people in Les Quatre Vallées ski area.
8/8Things will heat up for you hereSwitzerland | These holiday homes and apartments with their own saunas will lend your holiday the perfect feelgood factor – and not just after an eventful day on the ski piste.
Per week from USD 631
show 948 offers
Matterhorn Ski Paradise | Off to the mountains!
214 offers -
Switzerland | Large holiday houses
566 offers -
Switzerland | Mountain huts
295 offers -
Switzerland | Excellent views
85 offers -
Switzerland | Vacation with your dog
2,747 offers -
Switzerland | Holiday houses with hot tub
11 offers -
Switzerland in late summer | Bell-ringing into the valley
237 offers -
Switzerland | Holiday homes with a sauna
948 offers
Location reviews
Total rating of Blatten near Natters
This is what holiday rental customers wrote about Blatten near Natters
- An atraveo-customer wrote
on 22/09/2013 in German, travel period: September 2013“Das Feriendorf umfasst insgesamt 100 Chalets. Die Rezeption incl. dem Tschuggen-Lädli ist tgl. von 16-18 Uhr geöffnet. Im Tschuggen-Lädli (Einkaufsladen) gibt es für den Aufenthalt alles Notwendige zu kaufen. Über die Preise können wir leider nichts sagen. Auch ein eigenes Restaurant ist vorhanden.”
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This review has been given for property no. 270890 - atraveo customer Luppi wrote
on 27/08/2011 in Italian, travel period: August 2011“Luogo molto bello e panoramico, proprio perciò un po' al di fuori del paese vero e proprio (Blatten), raggiungibile con una strada abbastanza stretta ma non pericolosa. Da lì è facile raggiungere il bordo dell'Aletsch anche a piedi. Vi sono comunque varie possibilità di risalita.”
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This review has been given for property no. 270890 - An atraveo-customer wrote
on 21/08/2011 in German, travel period: August 2011“Der Ort ist sehr schön mit einem alten schweizerischen Ortsteil.
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Es gibt eine Einkaufsmöglichkeit, aber nicht gerade preisgünstig. Es sind mehrere Hotels mit Restaurant im Ort. Das Preisniveau ist ortsüblich.
Eine Seilbahn bringt den Gast auf den Berg. Dort gibt es viele Wandermöglichkeiten.
In Brig und Eyholz findet man einen Aldi und in Visp einen Lidl. Dort kann man gut und preiswert, für schweizer Verhältnisse, einkaufen.”
This review has been given for property no. 324327 - An atraveo-customer wrote
on 11/03/2010 in Dutch, travel period: February 2010“Mooie plaats halverwege de berg. De gondel vanuit Blatten stopt eens in de zoveel tijd op het Mittelstation.
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Je kan goed eten in het restaurant, en er ook leuk een biertje drinken.
Het skigebied is klein en rustig. Als je helemaal naar boven gaat kan je echt een heerlijk lange (rode) afdaling maken. De tunnel en zwarte piste 1 moet je ook een keer gedaan hebben, maar dat was best een uitdaging!”
This review has been given for property no. 284088
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