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Holiday houses in Šilo & holiday apartments in Šilo

  • Holiday home for max. 8 persons in Istria
    Private bathing fun

    Croatia | There’s no doubt that the Croatian Adriatic coast offers some great beaches – but your holiday will be perfect if you have your own pool. Enjoy the privacy and splash around to your heart’s content.

    Per week from USD 614

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  • 2/3
    Carefree holiday

    Croatia | Parents can relax and unwind whilst their children are taken off their hands and entertained in a holiday park or holiday residence.

    Per week from USD 239

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  • 3/3
    And I can come too

    ​Croatia | With these holiday houses it is explicitely allowed to bring pets so that your faithful four legged friend can also enjoy a relaxing and eventful holiday.

    Per week from USD 307

    show 28,590 offers
  • Croatia | Private bathing fun
    4,338 offers

  • Croatia | Vacation in a holiday park
    659 offers

  • ​Croatia Vacation with your dog
    28,590 offers

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Location reviews

Total rating of Šilo

4.1 out of 5 (245 Customer reviews)
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This is what holiday rental customers wrote about Šilo 

  • 4.0 out of 5
    atraveo customer Kati wrote
    on 02/09/2019 in German

    “Einkaufsmöglichkeit war fußläufig zu erreichen und ausreichend. Es gibt einige Gastronomische Einrichtungen im Ort, die alle einen sehr guten Eindruck machen. Wir haben das Restaurant Zeba auf dem Weg zum Strand ausprobiert - und können es gut weiterempfehlen.
    Ansonsten ist Silo ein eher beschauliches Örtchen mit vielen Ferienwohnungen und demzufolge auch reichlich Urlaubern verschiedenster Nationen. Der Ort hat einen kleinen Hafen und einen Campingplatz. Kleine Ausflüge kann man in der Touristeninfo am Strand buchen. Wenn man links neben der Touristeninfo am Meer weiter geht, kann man felsige Buchten sehen und da wohl auch baden und von manchen Felsen durchaus auch springen. Außerdem gibt es einen Hundestrand in Silo. Ca. 6 km entfernt in Soline gibt es einen breiten Sandstrand mit schwarzer Heilerde.”

    This review has been given for property no. 608436

  • 2.0 out of 5
    atraveo customer Sam T. has submitted the following rating
    on 02/09/2019, travel period: August 2019

    conditionally recommended

    This review has been given for property no. 1384355

  • 3.0 out of 5
    atraveo customer Mikic wrote
    on 30/08/2019 in German, travel period: August 2019

    “Einkaufsmöglichkeite wenig vorhanden, Restaurants sind mehrere vorhanden , Freizeitaktivitäten wenig Möglichkeiten.”

    This review has been given for property no. 862441

  • 4.0 out of 5
    atraveo customer Henrik wrote
    on 27/08/2019 in Italian, travel period: August 2019

    “Il posto a me è piaciuto tanto ma capisco che dipende da cosa uno cerchi. Se cercate turismo, locali serali, ecc questo non è il posto. Andate a Malinska, piuttosto. Se invece vi piace la tranquillità, il mare bello ma volete anche uscire a mangiare di tanto in tanto qui si sta benissimo.
    Tanti camerieri sembrano rudi e privi delle basilari caratteristiche che un operatore che ha a che fare con il pubblico debba avere (un sorriso?) ma NON tutti. Ad ogni modo forse è un po' un modo di essere perché tutto sommato ci siamo trovati bene anche con quelli rudi.
    Nel paese ci sono diversi bistro e diversi ristoranti. Posso consigliare Bistro Neptun, dove ci siamo trovati davvero bene e pagato un prezzo che in Italia ci si sogna. Posso sconsigliare il bar sopra Bistro Roko e quest'ultimo sotto solo se avete molta pazienza.
    Consiglio la spiaggia del campeggio, con parcheggio vicinissimo e davvero bella. Anche all'interno del golfo sono bellissime ma con pochissimo spazio (se andate alle 8 forse...)”

    This review has been given for property no. 608815

  • 5.0 out of 5
    An atraveo-customer wrote
    on 24/07/2019 in German, travel period: July 2019

    “Der Ort ist nicht so sehr überlaufen und doch war immer was los”

    This review has been given for property no. 640732